FAMSI Resources

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Site:  Nasca
Clados Number:  246
Culture:  Nasca
Description:  painted textile, mantle, G.E.M. (presently Stockholm).
Chronological Era:  Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 4 Phase (?).
Iconographic Features:  One of the most complex scenes in early Nasca iconography portraying more than 20 supernatural beings involved in battle. Feline Man (bottom center) holds a trophy head and a knive with two obsidian blades. To his left Feline Killer Whale with its bifurcated tail appears. Anthropomorphic Mythical Being with Jagged Tail holding a club appears at the upper right, while the Anthropomorphic Mythical Being with snake hair holding a knive and a trophy head appears at the top center. Note that some of the defeated supernatural beings are grasped by their tongues. Four large beings are placed at the corners of the painting, one of them (bottom right) is depicted running. Several beings hold trophies (birds, fishes, forehead ornaments). The illusion of space is created by extensive use of the convention of overlapping. Originally an estimated number of 40 figures covered the textile.
Related Themes:  Click link to see related item(s) CL 57, 80, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 325, 327, 332, 333, 336, 337 

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