Site: Nasca | Clados Number: 172 | Culture: Nasca | Description: cup bowl, C-63326, M.N.A.A.H.-Lima. | Chronological Era: Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 5 Phase. | Iconographic Features: Feline Serpent (FS-2) and Rayed Feline Head. Feline Serpent (FS-2) depicted with feline head, feline arms, and serpent torso. Pepino or capsicum pepper (ají) emanating from the serpent body. Body with enclosed capsicum pepper (ají). Rayed Feline Head depicted with pepino or capsicum pepper (ají) emanating from the head. Although depicted with the same type of head and often interpreted as abbreviation of several mythical beings Rayed Feline Face is a character on its own. The painting shows a great variety of colours. | Related Themes: Click link to see related item(s) CL 9, 167, 168 | |
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