FAMSI Resources

402 records searched.

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Site:  Nasca
Clados Number:  249
Culture:  Nasca
Description:  effigy vessel, ID number missing, M.N.A.A.H.-Lima.
Chronological Era:  Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 6 Phase.
Iconographic Features:  modeled example of a late Effigy Harvester (Proulx 2007, 93) holding trophy head. It is depicted with snake arms (snakes are painted on arms). It wears a conical hat showing the Rayed Face whose face is painted with dots imitating the surface of a cob of maize. The Harvester is shown in a seated position and has Heads Surrounded by Trophy Heads (HST) painted on its body. The figure’s back covers the representation of an elaborated version of the Face Being with Snake Rays. Face Being with Snake Rays wears a headdress that shows a tricephalic serpent (BS-2 ?) symbolizing the rainbow. A nearly identical being is portrayed on a cup bowl from burial 2 of Wayurí, Río Grande de Nasca, excavated by Tello in 1927.
Related Themes:  Click link to see related item(s) CL 154 

Rollout © 2003 Christiane Clados

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Site:  Nasca
Clados Number:  299
Culture:  Nasca
Description:  cup bowl, C-35475, M.N.A.A.H.-Lima.
Chronological Era:  Early Intermediate Period (EIP), Nasca 5 Phase.
Iconographic Features:  Rayed Face with Trident Crown and Upturned Mouth Mask (Proulx 2007, 111) (mid) and two Surrounded Heads (Proulx 2007, 112). Rayed Face with Trident Crown and Upturned Mouth Mask consists of a feline face with extended bifurcated tongue in the shape of two serpents. Surrounded Heads consist of a feline face framed by two paws and peppers. Interpretation as celestial bodies. The painting is outstanding because of leaving the Surrounded Heads unpainted to contrast them against a painted Rayed Face with Trident Crown and Upturned Mouth Mask.
Related Themes:  Click link to see related item(s) CL 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298 

Rollout © 2003 Christiane Clados

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