FAMSI Resources

718 records searched.

Results 1 - 5 of 5 for "Kaminaljuyu"
Location:  Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, Guatemala
Caption:  JM03601, Stela 11, Details, God Heads.
Category:  Maya, Preclassic Period.
Keywords:  Granite, Long-nosed monsters, flower.
Credit:  Copyright © 2000 John Montgomery.
High Resolution:  1297 x 607
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Location:  Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, Guatemala
Caption:  JM03602, Stela 11, Detail, God Head on Headdress., Dimensions unavailable.
Category:  Maya, Preclassic Period.
Keywords:  Granite, Long-nosed monsters, flower.
Credit:  Copyright © 2000 John Montgomery.
High Resolution:  1361 x 1126
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Location:  Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, Guatemala
Caption:  JM03603, Stela 11, Detail, God Mask of Headdress., Dimensions unavailable.
Category:  Maya, Preclassic Period.
Keywords:  Granite, Long-nosed monster, flower, crossed bands.
Credit:  Copyright © 2000 John Montgomery.
High Resolution:  1103 x 979
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Location:  Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala
Caption:  JM05714, Kaminaljuyu, Stela 11
Category:  Maya, Preclassic Period
Keywords:  divine, avian mask, earthly creature, spiritual bridge, heavens, underworld
Credit:  Copyright © John Montgomery
Comments:  One of the first Maya rulers is depicted in this relief sculpture as divine. He stands between a bird on the top of the monument and the open mouth of an earthly creature beneath his feet.
High Resolution:  2400 x 6120
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Location:  Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala
Caption:  JM05807, Kaminaljuyu, Stela 11
Category:  Maya. Late Classic
Keywords:  stela
Credit:  Copyright © 2000 John Montgomery
Comments:  One of the first Maya rulers is depicted in this relief sculpture as divine. He stands between a bird on the top of the monument and the open mouth of an earthly creature beneath his feet. This particular portrayal of the ruler, who wears an avian mask, indicates his role as the spiritual bridge between the heavens and the underworld.
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