Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 © Justin Kerr - Haga clic para ver la resolución alta Peter Mathews and Peter Bíró
Dibujos © John Montgomery

ti' sak hun

Significado(s):  ncom.  speaker of the white crown? (elite title)  /  ¿orador de la corona blanca? (titulo elite)    

Deletreo(s) de Jeroglífico:  (1)  TI'-SAK-HUN
  (2)  TI'-SAK-HUN-na
  (3)  TI'-SAK-hu-na

Número(s) Thompson:  (1)  nn-58-60/522/609
  (2)  nn-58-60/522/609-23
  (3)  nn-58-740-23

Comentarios:In possessive construction the adjective/modifier sak~white dissapears and the form is u ti' hunil with the third person singular ergative pronoun u~his/her and the -il partitive possession suffix.

Vea También: hun book, paper
sak white
ti' mouth, opening, edge

Ultimo Cambio:15-Aug-2006

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