Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 © Justin Kerr - Haga clic para ver la resolución alta Peter Mathews and Peter Bíró
Dibujos © John Montgomery


Significado(s):  vt.  kneel down  /  arrodillarse    

Deletreo(s) de Jeroglífico:  (1)  K'EB'
  (2)  k'e-K'EB'
  (3)  K'EB'-b'a

Número(s) Thompson:  (1)  nn
  (2)  (197-512)-nn
  (3)  nn-501

Comentarios:This particular reading for a logogram which represents an always left-turning headless body was suggested by Yuriy Polyukhovich in a conversation with the junior author in 2003. The reading is based on a k'e- phonoetic complement on Tamarindito Hieroglyphic Stairway 2 (A2-B2) and twice a phonetic complementation -b'a on Yaxchilan Stela 20 (A5) and on the Middle Tablet of the Temple of the Inscriptions Palenque (H9). This logogram is different from the left-turning body with a head which occurs in the codices apparently with the reading EM' 'to descend' and another similar but headless glyph for which David Stuart suggested a PAT 'back' reading and occurs in the bench inscriptions of Palenque Temple XIX.

Ultimo Cambio:17-Nov-2006

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