Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 © Justin Kerr - Haga clic para ver la resolución alta Peter Mathews and Peter Bíró
Dibujos © John Montgomery


Significado(s):  vp.  he/she is/was seated  /  el/ella es/fue sentado(a)    

Deletreo(s) de Jeroglífico:  (1)  CHUM-ji-ya
  (2)  CHUM-mu-ji-ya

Número(s) Thompson:  (1)  644-136-125
  (2)  644-[19v]-136-125

Transcripción(s) Estrecha:  chu[h]mjiiy Zender  2004
chumjiiy Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Análisis Morfológico:chu-[h]-m-(a)j-Ø-iy=seat-[IP]-3SA-ADV.ENC

Comentarios:Alfonso Lacaden and Søren Wichmann (2000) argue that this particular form recorded in Tonina (M. 28 back D5) and Pomona (F. 21) may be the Proto-Tzeltalan form of positionals (PB).

Vea También:
chum- be seated
chumlaj he/she is/was seated
chumlajiy he/she was already seated
chumtal sitting
chumub' seat
chumul be seated
chumwan he/she was seated
chumwaniy he/she was already seated
chumwi it got seated

Ultimo Cambio:26-Sep-2006

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