chakch'ok ixik | | | |
| Significado(s): | n. girl, youn girl / niƱa, doncella |
| Deletreo(s) de Jeroglífico: | (1) CHAK-ch'o-ko-'IXIK |
| Número(s) Thompson: | (1) 109-287-110-1000 |
| Transcripción(s) Estrecha: | chak ch'ok ixik | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | chak ch'ok ixik | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Vea También: | ch'ok |
| unripe, young | ch'ok |
| title which designates heirs to the throne (not exclusively) | | Chak |
| Chak (Rain God) | | chak |
| rain | | chak |
| red, great, big | | chakch'ok |
| infant, youth, youngster |
| Ultimo Cambio: | 25-Sep-2006 |
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