Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery


Meaning(s):  suf.  positional suffix  /  sufijo posicional    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  #NAME?
  (2)  #NAME?

Last Updated:26-Sep-2006

lala Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  139/140/178/534

Last Updated:26-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  adj.  ugly, evil  /  feo, malo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAB'-b'a
  (2)  LAB'-b'a-la
  (3)  la-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-501
  (2)  nn-501-178
  (3)  534-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  lab' Stuart 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*laab'Brown and Wichmann 2004  
Proto-Mayan*laab'Kaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Ch'olan*lab'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:26-Sep-2006


Meaning(s):  num.  twelve  /  doce    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAJCHAN

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  XII

Narrow Transcription(s):  lajchan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Ch'olan*laj=chänKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  num.  twelve  /  doce    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAJKA'

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  XII

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  Lajun (name of god)  /  Lajun (nombre de dios)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAJUN
  (2)  LAJUN-na

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  X
  (2)  X-na

Narrow Transcription(s):  Laju'n Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
Lajuun Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lajunLAJUN Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  num.  ten  /  diez    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAJUN
  (2)  LAJUN-na
  (3)  LAJUN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  X
  (2)  X-23
  (3)  X-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  laju'n, lajuun Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lajuun Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*laajuungKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Ch'olan*läjunKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

Lajun Yax Ha'

Meaning(s):  n.  Lajun Yax Ha' (name of god)  /  LAjun Yax Ha' (nombre de dios)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAJUN-YAX-HA'

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  X-16-566

Narrow Transcription(s):  Laju'n Yax Ha' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
Lajuun Yaax Ha' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lakla-ka Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  plate  /  plato    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  la-ka

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  534-25

Narrow Transcription(s):  lak Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lak Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*lAqBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lakamLAKAM Hieroglyph  la-ka-ma Hieroglyph  
 (1)                  (3)                 

Meaning(s):  adj.  big, great, wide  /  grande, ancho    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAKAM
  (2)  LAKAM-ma
  (3)  la-ka-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  262
  (2)  262-74
  (3)  534-262-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  lakam Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lakam Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  


Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lakam ha'

Meaning(s):  nc.  wide water (Palenque toponym)  /  agua grande (topónimo de Palenque)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAKAM-HA'

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  262-566

Narrow Transcription(s):  Lakam Ha' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
Lakam Ha' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

Lakam TunLAKAM-TUN Hieroglyph  LAKAM-TUN-ni Hieroglyph  
 (1)                    (2)                              

Meaning(s):  n.  Lakam Tun (toponym in Peten)  /  Lakam Tun (topónimo de Peten)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAKAM-TUN
  (2)  LAKAM-TUN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  262-528
  (2)  262-528

Narrow Transcription(s):  Lakam Tuun Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
Lakam Tuun Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lakam tunLAKAM TUN-ni Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  nc.  stela  /  estela    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAKAM TUN-ni
  (2)  LAKAM-ma-TUN
  (3)  la-ka-ma-TUN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  262-528-116
  (2)  262-74-528
  (3)  534-25-74-528-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  lakam tuun Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lakam tuun Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  east  /  este    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  la-K'IN
  (2)  la-K'IN-ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  546-544
  (2)  546-544-116

Narrow Transcription(s):  lak'in Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lak'in Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  vp.  go down, disappear  /  bajar, desaparecer    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LAM-ma
  (2)  la-ma-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-74
  (2)  178-74-

Narrow Transcription(s):  lam- Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  ncl.  count of elapsed time periods  /  cuenta de periodo de tiempo elapsado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  la-ta

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  178-113

Narrow Transcription(s):  -lat Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
-lat Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lele Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  le

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  188/752

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  noose  /  lazo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  le-e

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  188-542

Narrow Transcription(s):  le' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
le' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lili Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  li

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  82/83/nn

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  vp.  to climb  /  subir    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  li-pi-

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-177

Narrow Transcription(s):  #lip- Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
#lip- Houston, Stuart, and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  vp.  he/she climbed up  /  el/ella subió    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  li-pi-ta-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-177-565-181

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lolo Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lo

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  580

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  adj.  twisted, bent, flexed  /  encorvado, doblado, torcido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lo-che

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  580-148

Narrow Transcription(s):  looch Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*lochKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  vi.  gets out, gets exiled  /  salirse, escaparse    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  LOK'-yi
  (2)  lo-LOK'-yi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  327-17
  (2)  580-327-17

Narrow Transcription(s):  #lok'ooy Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
lok'oy #Housron, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*lok'Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lomlo-mu Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  lance  /  lanza    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lo-mu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  580-19

Narrow Transcription(s):  loom Houaton, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*lomKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  twin, companion  /  gemelo, compañero    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lo-ta

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  580-113

Narrow Transcription(s):  #lo't Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
loot Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*lutKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

lulu Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  syl.  syllabic sign  /  signo sillábico    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lu

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  568

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005

luk'lu-k'u Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  stucco, mud  /  estuco, barro    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lu-k'u

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  568-603

Narrow Transcription(s):  luk' Lacadena and Wichkmann 2004  
luk' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  earth  /  tierra    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  lu-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  568-74

Narrow Transcription(s):  lu'm Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
luum Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*lumKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:29-Jul-2005