MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
ka- | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | pre. we, our / nosotros/as, nuestro/a |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ka'- | | Stuart 2005 | | #ka- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ka | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25/172/738 |
kab' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. honey, beehive / miel, colmena |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAB'-b'i | | (2) KAB'-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 526-585 | | (2) 526-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kab\ | | #kaab' Stuart 2005 | | kab\ | | kaab' Lacadena and Wichman |
kab' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. bee / abeja |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAB' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 526 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kab' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | kab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kab' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. earth / tierra |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAB' | | (2) ka-b'a | | (3) ka-b'i |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 526 | | (2) 25-501 | | (3) 525-585 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kab' | | Stuart 2005 | | #kab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *kaab' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *kab' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
-kab'- | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | vtd. make it happen / hacer de pasar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -KAB'- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 526 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kab' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #kab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann |
kab'al | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | adj. low / terrestre |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAB' | | (2) KAB'-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 526 | | (2) 526-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kab'al | | Stuart 2005 | | #kab'al | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
-kach- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. tie, bundle up / atar, envolver |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -ka-cha- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-(520-299) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -kach- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | -kach- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *käch | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
kach | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. knot, tie / nudo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-cha |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-(520-299) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kach | | Stuart 2005 | | #kach | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kakaw | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. cacao / cacao |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-ka-wa | | (2) ka-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 738-25-130 | | (2) 738-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kakaw | | Stuart 2005 | | kakaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *käkäw | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
kal tun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. stone effigy / efigie de piedra |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-le-TUN |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-188-528 |
kalom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. he/she who ? / el/ella quien ? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAL-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kaloom | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | #kalo'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kalomte' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. kalomte' (title) / kalomte' (título) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAL-ma-TE' | | (2) ka-KAL-ma-TE' | | (3) ka-lo-ma-TE' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-74-87 | | (2) 25-nn-74-87 | | (3) 25-580-nn-87 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kaloomte' | | Stuart 2005 | | #kalo'mte' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kan | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. snake / serpiente |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAN | | (2) KAN-na | | (3) ka-KAN |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 764 | | (2) 764-23 | | (3) 25-764 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kan | | Stuart 2005 | | #kan | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kan | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. four / cuatro |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-na |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kan | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kanak te' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. kanak te' (title) / kanak te' (título) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-na-ka-TE' | | (2) ka-na-ka-TE'-e |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-23-25-87 | | (2) 25-23-25-87-542 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kanak te' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #kanak te' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
Kanul | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. abundance of serpents; Calakmul Embelm Glyph Main Sign / abundancia de serpientes; Signo principal del glifo emblema de Calakmul |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-KAN | | (2) KAN-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-764 | | (2) 764-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Kanal | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Kanu[u']l | | Lacadena and Wichmann n.d. |
Kasew | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 5th Classic Maya Month / 5to mes del periodo Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-se?-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-520-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Kase'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Kaseew | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
kay | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. fish / pescado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KAY | | (2) ka-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 738 | | (2) 738-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kay | | Stuart 2005 | | #kay | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kayom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. fisherman / pescador |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-yo-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 25-673-74 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kayoom | | Stuart 2005 | | #kayo'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kaywak | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. jade / jade |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ka-ya-wa-ka |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 738-125-130-25 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kaywak | | Stuart 2005 | | #kaywak | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ka' | | | (2) |
| Meaning(s): | num. two / dos |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KA' | | (2) ka' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) II | | (2) 25 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ka' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | ka' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ke | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ke |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 220c-d/711 |
kej | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. deer / ciervo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ke-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 220c-d-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | keej | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | #keej | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kelem | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. strong / fuerte |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KELEM | | (2) ke-le-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1028c | | (2) 220c-d-188-74 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | keleem | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | #kele'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *kelem | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
kelem | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. young boy / joven |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KELEM | | (2) ke-le-ma | | (3) ke-le |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1028c | | (2) 220c-d-188-74 | | (3) 220c-d-188 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | keleem | | Stuart 2005 | | #kele'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ki | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ki |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 94/102/nn |
Kisin | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Kisin (name of god) / Kisin (nombre de dios) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ki-si-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 102-57-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Kisin | | Stuart 2005 | | Kisin | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kit | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. father, patron / padre, patrón |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ki-ti | | (2) ki-ta |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 102-59 | | (2) 102-113 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kit, #kiit | | Stuart 2005 | | kit, kiit | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kiwi'l | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. (species of tree) / (especia de arból) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ki-WI'L |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 102-158 |
ko | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110 |
-kob'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. procreate / procrear |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -ko-b'o- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-519 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -kob'- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | -kob'- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
koj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. puma / puma |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KOJ | | (2) KOJ-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) nn-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kooj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | kooj | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
koj- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. finish? / terminar? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko-jo- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-607 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | koj- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | koj-Vy | | Stuart 2005 |
-kok- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. watch, guard / guardar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -ko-ko- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-110 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -ko[h]k- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | -kok- | | Stuart 2005 |
kok- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. hear / escuchar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko-ko- |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #kok- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #kok- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kok | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. trogon, (small) turtle / tortugua pequeña |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko-ko |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-110 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kok | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | kok | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *aj kok | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
koknom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. guardian / guardián |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko-ko-no-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-110-(595-134)-74 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ko[h]kno'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | koknoom | | Stuart 2005 |
kokom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. hearer / escuchador |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko-ko-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-110-74 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kokoom | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | koko'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kololte' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. arbor / cenador |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ko-lo-lo-TE' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 110-580-580-87 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kokolte' | | Stuart 2005 |
ko'haw | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. helmet, headdress / casco, tocado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KO'HAW-wa | | (2) ko-ha-wa | | (3) ko-o-ha-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 678-130 | | (2) 110-(60-1042)-130 | | (3) 110-694-(60-1042)-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ko'haw | | Stuart 2005 | | ko'haw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ku | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ku |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528 |
-kuch- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. carry / cargar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -ku-chu- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528-(517-87) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -kuch- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | -kuch- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *kuch | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *kuch | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
kuch | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. burden, load / carga, peso |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ku-chu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528-(517-87) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kuch | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | kuch | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
kuh | | | (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. owl / búho |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KUH | | (2) ku |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) 528 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kuh | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | kuh | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
kun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. oven, platform? / horno, ¿plataforma? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ku-nu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528-151 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kun | | Stuart 2005 | | kun | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
Kusew | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 5th Classic Maya Month / 5to mes del periodo Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ku-se?-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528-520-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Kuseew | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Kuse'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kutz | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. (wild) turkey / guajolote |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ku-tzu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528-559v |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kutz | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | kutz | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
kuy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. (large) owl / búho grande |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) KUY | | (2) ku-yu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) 528-61 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | kuy | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | kuy | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Ku[m]k'u | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 18th month (yukatek) / 18o mes (yukatek) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ku-k'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 528-603/604 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Ku[m]k'u | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Ku[m]k'u | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'a | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. abundant / mucho |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'a | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'a | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669 |
k'ab' | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. hand, arm / mano |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AB' | | (2) k'a-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) 669-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'ab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'ab' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *q'ab' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'äb' | Kaufmana nd Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *q'ab' | Brown and Wichmann (2004) |
k'ab'as | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. hand / mano |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AB'-si | | (2) k'a-b'a-si |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-57 | | (2) 669[501]-57 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'ab'is | | Zender 2004b | | #k'ab'aas | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'ab'a' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. name / nombre |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AB'A | | (2) K'AB'A-a | | (3) K'AB'A-b'a | | (4) K'AB'A-b'a-a | | (5) k'a-b'a-'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 187 | | (2) 187-228 | | (3) 187-501 | | (4) 187-501-228 | | (5) 669-501-228 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'ab'a' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'ab'a | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *k'ab'a? | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
k'ak' | | | (3) |
| Meaning(s): | n. fire / fuego |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AK' | | (2) K'AK'-k'a | | (3) k'a-K'AK' | | (4) k'a-k'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 122/1035 | | (2) 1035-669 | | (3) 669-122 | | (4) 669-669 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'a[h]k' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'a[h]k' | | Houston, Sturat and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *q'ahq' | Brwon and Wichmann (2004) | | Proto-Mayan | *q'ahq' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'ahk | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
k'ak'al | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. fiery / ardiente |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AK'-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 122/1035-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'a[h]k'al | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'a[h]k'al | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'ak'as | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. fire / fuego |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a-k'a-si |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-669-57 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'a[h]k'aas | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'ahk'is | | Zender 2004b |
k'ak'nab' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. sea / mar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AK'-NAB' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 122-(86-522) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'a[h]k' naa[h]b' | | #Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *k'äk'=nahb' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
k'al | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | num. twenty / veinte |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AL | | (2) K'AL-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 683a | | (2) 683a-82 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'aal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'aal | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *k'aal | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'al | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
-k'al- | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | vt. bind, wrap, tie on / atar, envolver |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AL | | (2) k'a-la | | (3) K'AL-la | | (4) k'a-K'AL |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 713a | | (2) 669-178 | | (3) 713-178 | | (4) 669-713a |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #-k'al- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 1998 | | -k'al- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *k'al | Brown and Wichmann (2004) |
k'al | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. enclosure, room, quarters / recinto, cuarto |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a-li | | (2) k'a-le |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-24 | | (2) 669-188 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'aal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'aal | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'altun | | | (2) |
| Meaning(s): | nc. stone-binding / atadura de piedra |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AL-TUN | | (2) K'AL-TUN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 713a-528 | | (2) 713a-528-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'altuun | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'altuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'alwa/wi | | | |
| Meaning(s): | ap. it got wrapped / se lo envolvió |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AL-wa | | (2) K'AL-wi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 713-130 | | (2) 713-117 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'alaw/k'alaaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'alwa/k'alwi | | Carrasco, Hull and Wald n.d. |
k'an | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | adj. yellow / amarillo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN | | (2) K'AN-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281 | | (2) 281-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'an | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'an | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *q'an | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'än | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *q'an | Brown and Wichmann (2004) |
k'an | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | adj. precious, ripe / precioso, maduro |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'an | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'an | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'an | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. seat, bench / asiento, banco |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'a[h]n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'an | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
K'anasiy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 17th Classic Maya Month / 17o mes del periodo Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-a-si-ya | | (2) K'AN-a-si | | (3) K'AN-a-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-743-57-125 | | (2) 281-743-57 | | (3) 281-743-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #K'anasiiy | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | K'anasiiy | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
K'anjal Nah | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. K'anjal Nah (proper name of building) / K'anjal Nah (nombre propio de edificio) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-na-ja-la-NAH |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-23-181-178-4 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #K'anjal Naah | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | K'anjal Naah | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
K'anjalawb'u? | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 1st Classic Maya Month / primero mes del periodo Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-JAL-b'u | | (2) K'AN-JAL-wa | | (3) K'AN-JAL-wa-b'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-153-21 | | (2) 281-153-130 | | (3) 281-153-130-21 |
K'ank'in | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 14th Classic Maya Month / 14o mes del periodo Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-K'IN | | (2) K'AN-K'IN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-544 | | (2) 281-544-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #K'ank'iin | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | K'ank'in | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'antun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. stone bench, panel / banco de piedras, tablero |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AN-na-TUN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 281-23-528-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'a[h]ntuun | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'antuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 2004 |
-k'as- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. break / quebrar, partir en dos |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -k'a-sa- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-630 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #-k'as- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | -k'as- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *käs | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
k'asaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. he/she/it is/was broken / el/ella, lo es/fue quebrado(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a-sa-ja |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-630-181 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'a[h]saj | | Lacadena 1998 |
k'at | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. ceramic bowl |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AT |
k'at | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. crosswise / atravesado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AT | | (2) K'AT-ta |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 553a | | (2) 553a-565a |
Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *q'at | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'ät | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
K'awil | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. K'awil (name of god) / K'awil (nombre de dios) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'AWIL | | (2) K'AWIL-li | | (3) k'a-wi-li | | (4) K'AWIL-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1030a-d, h | | (2) 1030a-d, h-82 | | (3) 669-117-82 | | (4) 1030a-d, h-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'awiil, #k'awil | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'awiil, k'awil | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
-k'ay- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. sing / cantar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -k'a-ya- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -k'ay- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #-k'ay- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'ay | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. song / canción |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'ay | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'ay | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *k'ay | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
K'ayab' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 17th Classic Maya Month |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a-b'a |
k'ayom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. singer / cantor |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'a-yo-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 669-673-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'ayo'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'ayoom | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'a'y | | | |
| Meaning(s): | mp. got diminished, got died / disminuirse, morirse |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'A'-yi | | (2) K'A'-a-yi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (nn-77)-17 | | (2) (nn-77)-228-17 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'a'ay | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'e | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'e |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (197-512) |
-k'eb'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. kneel down / arrodillarse |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'EB' | | (2) k'e-K'EB' | | (3) K'EB'-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) (197-512)-nn | | (3) nn-501 |
k'eb'aj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. he/she is/was knelt down / el/ella es/fue arrodillado(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'EB'-b'a-ja |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-501-181 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'e[h]b'aj | | Lacadena 2004 |
k'i | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'i |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 76/77 |
k'in | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. day / día |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'IN | | (2) K'IN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 544 | | (2) 544-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'in | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'in | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'in | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. hot / calor |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'IN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 544-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'i[h]n | | Wichmann 2000 |
k'in | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. sun / sol |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'IN | | (2) K'IN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 544 | | (2) 544-ni |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'in | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'in | | Houston, Stuart and Robertsson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *q'iing | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'in | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *q'iihng | Brown and Wichmann (2004) |
k'inich | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | adj. sun-faced?, heated? / ¿cara del sol?, ¿caliente? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'INICH | | (2) K'IN-ni-chi | | (3) K'IN-chi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (184-1010) | | (2) 544-116-671 | | (3) 544-671 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'i[h]nich | | Wichmann 2000 | | k'inich | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
K'inich K'uk' Nah | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. K'inich K'uk' Nah (proper name of building) / K'inich K'uk' Nah (nombre propio de edificio) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'IN-ni-chi-K'UK'-NAH |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 544-116-671-744-4 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | K'inich K'uk' Naah | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #K'i[h]nich K'uk' Naah | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'intun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. drought / sequía |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'IN-TUN | | (2) K'IN-TUN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 544-528 | | (2) 544-528-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'intuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #k'i[h]ntuun | | Biro 2005 (pace Wichmann 2000) |
k'iwik | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. market, central place / mercado, plaza |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'i-wi-ki?? |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 77-117-102 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'iwik | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'iwik | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'o | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signe sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'o |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn |
k'ob' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. hearth / hoguera |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'o-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 220v-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'o'b' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'oob' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'oj | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. mask, image / máscara |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'o-jo |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 220v-6-7 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'oj | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #k'oj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *k'oj | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *k'ooj | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *k'ohj | Brown and Wichmann (2004) |
k'u | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. nest / nido |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603/604 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'u | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'u | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603/604 |
-k'ub'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. deliver, give / repartir, entregar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -k'u-b'a- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -k'ub'- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #-k'ub'- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004] |
k'ub'aj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. he/she/it is/was delivered / el/ella/lo es/fue entregado(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u-b'a-ja |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-501-181 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'u[h]b'aj | | Lacadena 1998 | | k'u[h]b'aj | | Lacadena 1998 |
k'uch | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. vulture / zopilote |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u-chi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-671 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'uuch | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'uuch | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'uh | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. god, deity / dios, deidad |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'UH | | (2) k'u-hu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1016 | | (2) 603-740 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'uh | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #k'uh | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'uhul | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. divine, sacred / divino, sagrado |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'UH | | (2) K'UH-lu | | (3) K'UH-HUL | | (4) K'UH-hu-lu | | (5) K'UH-u-lu | | (6) K'UH-JUL-lu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 32-41/1016 | | (2) 32-41/1016-568 | | (3) 32-41-nn | | (4) 32-41-740-568 | | (5) 32-41-nn-568 | | (6) 1016-653-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'uhul | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | k'uhul | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
k'uk' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. quetzal / quetzal |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) K'UK' | | (2) k'u-k'u |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 744 | | (2) 603-603 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'uk' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2000 | | k'uk' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *q'u?q' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'uk' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
k'utz | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. tobacco / tabaco |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u-tzi | | (2) K'UH-tzi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-507 | | (2) 1016-507 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | k'uu[h]tz | | Lacaden and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *k'uhtz | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
-k'ux- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. torture, hurt, eat, grind / torturar, dañar, comer, moler |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -k'u-xa- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-508/114 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -k'ux- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #-k'ux- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *k'ux | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *k'ux | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
k'uxaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. he/she is/was tortured/eaten / el/ella es/fue torturado(a)/comido(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u-xa-ja |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-508-181 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'u[h]xaj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
k'uxjiy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. he/she is/was already tortured/eaten / el/ella ya es/fue torturado(a)/comido(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) k'u-xa-ji-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 603-508-136-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #k'uxjiiy | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
K'uy Nik Ajaw |
| Meaning(s): | n. K'uy Nik Ajaw (royal title at Copan) |
| Thompson Number(s): |