MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
ha | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ha |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-1042)/nn |
hab' | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. year / año |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) H AB' | | (2) HAB'-b'i | | (3) HAB'-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 548 | | (2) 548-585 | | (3) 548-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | haab', hab' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | haab', #hab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *haa'b' | Brown and Wichmann (2004) | | Proto-Mayan | *ha?b' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *hab' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
halab'? | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. ballcourt / cancha de juego de pelota |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HALAB'? | | (2) HALAB'?-b'i | | (3) ha-HALAB'-b'i? |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) nn-585 | | (3) (60-1042)-nn-585 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | halaab'? | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #halaab'? | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
halaw? | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. ballcourt / cancha de juego de pelota |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HALAW? | | (2) HALAW?-wa | | (3) HALAW?-la-wa | | (4) ha-HALAW?-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) nn-130 | | (3) nn-178-130 | | (4) (60-1042)-nn-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | halaw? | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #halaw? | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ham- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. lie down / acostar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ha-ma- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-1042)-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ham- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #ham- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
hamliy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. he/she lied down / el/ella acosto |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ha-ma-li-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-1042)-nn-82-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | hamliiy | | Wichmann 2001 |
haw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. 18th Classic Maya Month / 18o mes del periodo Clásico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ha-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (1042-60)-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | haw | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #haw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ha' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. water / agua |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HA' | | (2) HA'-a | | (3) a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 566 | | (2) 566-228 | | (3) 228 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ha' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #ha' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *ha? | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *Ha? | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *ha' | Brown and Wichmann (2004) |
ha'i | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pr. he, she / el, ella |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ha-i |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60+1042)-679 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #haa | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | haa | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *ha? | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *haa' | Brown and Wichmann (2004) | | Proto-Cholan | *ha?-in | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
ha'l | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. wet, rainy / humedo, lluvioso |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -HA'- | | (2) -HA'-la | | (3) ha-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 556 | | (2) 556-178 | | (3) (60-1042)-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #-hal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | #NAME? | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Examples |
| Last Updated: | 29-May-2006 |
ha'ob' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pr. they / ellos, ellas |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ha-o-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-1042)-280-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ha'o'b' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | haa'oob' | | Stuart 2005 |
he | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) he |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 574 |
hek | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. hang up, be stuck, insert / colgar, trabarse, insertar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) e-ke- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741a-220 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | [h]ek- | | Wichmann 2001 |
heklib' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. (vertical) panel / tablero (vertical) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) e-ke-li-b'i |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741a-220-82-585 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | [h]eklib' | | Wichmann 2001 |
hekwan | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. he/she inserts/inserted / el/ella colga/colgó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) e-ke-wa-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741a-220-130-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | [h]ekwaan | | Wichmann 2001 |
hekwaniy | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. he/she already inserted / el/ella ya colgó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) e-ke-wa-ni-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741a-220-130-116-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | [h]ekwaniiy | | Wichmann 2001 |
-hen | | | |
| Meaning(s): | ncl. count of single days? / ¿particula para contar días singulares? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) he-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 574-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #-heen | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | -he'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2000 |
hetz'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. set down / depositar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) e-tz'e- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741a-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | [h]etz'- | | Biro (pace Stuart 2002) |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *hetz' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
hetz'wan | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vp. he/she sets/set down / el/ella deposita/depositó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) e-tz'e-wa-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741a-nn-130-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | [h]etz'waan | | Biro (pace Stuart 2002) |
-hew | | | |
| Meaning(s): | ncl. count of single days? / ¿particula para contar días singulares? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) he-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 574-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #-heew | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | -he'w | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2000 |
hi | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) hi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-528)/60 |
hil- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. rest / quedar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) hi-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-528)-82 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | hil- | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | #hil- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *hil | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Mayan | *hi(h)l | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
hin | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pr. I / yo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) hi-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-528)-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | hiin | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #hiin | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
hinaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. seed / semilla |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) hi-na-ja | | (2) hi-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) (60-528)-23-181 | | (2) (60-528)-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | hinaj | | Grube 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *iingaaj | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *(h)inaj | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
hix | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. jaguar / jaguar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HIX | | (2) hi-HIX | | (3) HIX-si |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn, 524 | | (2) 60-nn/524 | | (3) nn/528-1048 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | hix | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #hix | | Laacdena and Wichmann 2004 |
Hix Witz | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. emblem glyph (El Pajaral/Zapote Bobal area) / glifo emblema (area de El Pajaral/ Zapote Bobal) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HIX-WITZ | | (2) HIX-wi-WITZ | | (3) HIX-wi-tzi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 524-529 | | (2) 524-117-529 | | (3) 524-117-507 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Hix Witz | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | #Hix Witz | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ho | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) ho |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 672 |
ho' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. five / cinco |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HO' |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ho' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #ho' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *ho' | Brown and Wichmann (2004) | | Proto-Mayan | *ho?-oob' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *ho? | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
ho'lajun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. fifteen / quince |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HO'-[LAJUN] |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ho'lajuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #ho'laju'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *ho'läjun | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
hu | | | |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) hu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 740v |
huj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. iguana / iguana |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUJ |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 741c |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huj | | Grube 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *huj | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
huk | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. seven / siete |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUK |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huk | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *huuq-uub' | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *huk | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
Huk Chapat Tz'ikin K'inich Ajaw | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Huk Chapat Tz'ikin? K'inich Ajaw (name of war serpent) / Huk Chapat Tz'ikin K'inich Ajaw (nombre de la serpiente de guerra) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUK-CHAPAT-TZ'IKIN?-K'INICH-AJAW | | (2) HUK-CHAPAT-tu-TZ'IKIN-na-K'INICH-AJAW-wa |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #huk chapaa[h]t tz'ikin? k'i[h]nich ajaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
Huk Sip | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Huk Sip (Seven Sins-name of god) / Huk Sip (Siete Delitos-nombe de dios) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUK-si-pu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) VII-57-266 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Huk Siip | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | Huk Si'p | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
huklajun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | num. seventeen / dieciseite |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUK- [LAJUN] |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #huklaju'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | huklajuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
hul- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. arrive (there) / llegar (para) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUL-li | | (2) hu-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 713b/683b/nn-82 | | (2) 740-82 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huul | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #huli | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *hul | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *hul | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
huley | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. he/she arrived / el/ella llegó |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUL-ye |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huley | | Stuart, Houston and Roberston 1999 | | hul[eh]y | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
hun | | | (3) |
| Meaning(s): | n. book, paper / libro, papel |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUN | | (2) HUN-na | | (3) hu-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 60/522/609b | | (2) 60/522/609b-23 | | (3) 740-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | hu'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *huu'ng | Brown and Wichmann (2004) | | Proto-Mayan | *hu?ng | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *hun | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
hunal | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. 'crown' (headband made from bark paper worn by kings) / 'corona' (cinta para la cabeza hecha de papel de corteza llevada por los reyes) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) hu-na-la | | (2) HUN |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 740-23-178 | | (2) 60/522 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huunal | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #hu'nal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |