Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

ak'ab'AK'AB' Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  night, darkness  /  noche, oscuridad    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  AK'AB'
  (2)  a-k'a-b'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  504
  (2)  228-669-501

Narrow Transcription(s):  ak'ab' Stuart 2005  
ak'ab' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Ch'olan*ahk'äb'Kaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*ahq'ab'-*aaq'ab'Kaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:20-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  suf.  nominalizer  /  nominalizador    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  [C]a-la

Last Updated:20-Jun-2005


Meaning(s):  num.  nine  /  nueve    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'ALUN

Narrow Transcription(s):  b'alu'n Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*b'olonKaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*b'eleng-eeb'Kaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  num.  nineteen  /  diecinueve    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  B'ALUN-[LAJUN]

Narrow Transcription(s):  #b'aluun lajuun Houton, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
#b'alu'n laju'n Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*b'olon läjunKaufman and Norman  1984
Proto-Mayan*b'eleng-eeb' laajuungKaufman and Norman  1984

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  vt.  nail  /  clavar    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  b'o-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  519-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  b'o[h]jaj #Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*b'ojKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*b'ajKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  nc.  namesake  /  homónimo    

Thompson Number(s):  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

janab'ja-na-b'i Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  adj.  name of raptorial bird?  /  ¿nombre de un ave raptorial?    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  JANAB'
  (2)  ja-na-b'i

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  583
  (2)  181-23-585

Narrow Transcription(s):  #janaa[h]b' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

k'ab'a'K'AB'A Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  name  /  nombre    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  K'AB'A
  (2)  K'AB'A-a
  (3)  K'AB'A-b'a
  (4)  K'AB'A-b'a-a
  (5)  k'a-b'a-'a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  187
  (2)  187-228
  (3)  187-501
  (4)  187-501-228
  (5)  669-501-228

Narrow Transcription(s):  k'ab'a' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
k'ab'a Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*k'ab'a?Kaufman and Norman (1984)  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

k'uk'u Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  nest  /  nido    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  k'u

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  603/604

Narrow Transcription(s):  #k'u Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  noose  /  lazo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  le-e

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  188-542

Narrow Transcription(s):  le' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
le' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  part.  no, negative  /  no, negativo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ma-cha-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  74-(520-299)/nn-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  machaj Houston, Stuart and robertson 1998  
machaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*machKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

ma'ma Hieroglyph  ma-a Hieroglyph  
 (1)          (2)                          

Meaning(s):  part.  not  /  no    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ma
  (2)  ma-a

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  74
  (2)  74-743

Narrow Transcription(s):  ma' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
ma' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*ma' or *mA'Brown and Wichmann 2004  
Proto-Mayan*ma'Kaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Cholan*ma(?)Kaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  adv.  nothing, no  /  nada, no    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  MIH
  (2)  mi
  (3)  mi?-li

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

Nah Ho' Chan

Meaning(s):  nc.  Nah Ho' Chan (supernatural location)  /  Nah Ho' Chan (lugar supernatural)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  NAH-HO'-CHAN

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  4-V-561

Narrow Transcription(s):  Naah Ho' Chan Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
Naah Ho' Chan Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

nalNAL Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  n.  native  /  nativo de    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  NAL
  (2)  NAL-la
  (3)  na-la
  (4)  na-li

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  84/86/nn
  (2)  84-178
  (3)  23-178
  (4)  23-82

Narrow Transcription(s):  naal, nal Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
naal, nal Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

Nikte' Ha'

Meaning(s):  nc.  Nikte' Ha' (proper name of building)  /  Nikte' Ha' (nombre propio de edificio)    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  NIK-TE' NAH

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  646-nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  Nikte' Ha' Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
Nikte' Ha' Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  nose  /  nariz    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  ni

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn

Narrow Transcription(s):  ni' Stuart 2005  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*ni?Kaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*ngiiKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

Nupul B'alam

Meaning(s):  n.  Nupul B'alam (name of way)  

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  nu-pu-lu-B'ALAM-ma

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  592-266-568-751-74

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

tzih/iltzi Hieroglyph  

Meaning(s):  adj.  new, fresh, raw, seasoned  /  nuevo, fresco, crudo, sazonado    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  tzi-hi-li
  (2)  tzi-hi
  (3)  tzi

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  507-(60-528)-83
  (2)  506-(60-528)
  (3)  507

Narrow Transcription(s):  tzihil Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
tzihil Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*tzihKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tze?hKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*tzehBrown and Wichmann 2004  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  necklace, collar, bead  /  collar, joya    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  UH
  (2)  (y)u-UH
  (3)  (y)u-UH-(li)

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn
  (2)  61-nn
  (3)  61-nn-83

Narrow Transcription(s):  uuh Stuart 2005  
uh Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Mayan*u?hKaufman and Norman 1984  
Proto-Mayan*uuhBrown and Wichmann 2004  
Proto-Cholan*uy or uhyKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  nd.  necklace  /  joya    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  UH-ja
  (2)  u-ha-ja

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn-181
  (2)  1-(60-1042)-181

Narrow Transcription(s):  uhaj Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  
uhaj Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
u'haj Zender 2004b  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  adv.  now  /  ahora    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  WAL
  (2)  WAL-la
  (3)  ti-WAL-la

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  nn
  (2)  nn-178
  (3)  59-nn-178

Linguistic Reconstruction:  Proto-Cholan*wälKaufman and Norman 1984  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005

wayWAY Hieroglyph  WAY-ya Hieroglyph  
 (1)                  (2)                

Meaning(s):  n.  nawal, co-essence, animal companion spirit, malign spirit  /  nahual, co-esencia, compañero de animal, espíritu malo    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  WAY
  (2)  WAY-ya
  (3)  WAY-wa-ya
  (4)  wa-WAY-ya

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  539
  (2)  539-125
  (3)  539-130-125
  (4)  130-539-125

Narrow Transcription(s):  way Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
way Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005


Meaning(s):  n.  north  /  norte    

Hieroglyphic Spelling(s):  (1)  xa-MAN-na
  (2)  xa-ma-MAN-na
  (3)  xa-ma-na

Thompson Number(s):  (1)  508-566-23
  (2)  508-74-566-23
  (3)  508-74-23

Narrow Transcription(s):  xaman Lacadena and Wichmann 2004  
xaman Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998  

Last Updated:30-Mar-2005