MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
aku'l | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. turtle-place, turtle-like / lugar de tortuga, tortuguero |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK-la | | (2) a-ku | | (3) a-ku-la | | (4) AJ-lu | | (5) a-ku-lu | | (6) a-ku-u-lu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 743-178 | | (2) 228-528 | | (3) 228-528-178 | | (4) 12-568 | | (5) 228-528-568 | | (6) 228-528-1-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a[h]ku'ul, a[h]kul | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | a[h]kuul, a[h]kul | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
-b'ut'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. fill / llenar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -b'u-t'u- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 21-556 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -b'ut'- | | Stuart 2005 | | #-b'ut'- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *b'ut | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *b'ut | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
chak | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. rain / lluvia |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) cha-ki |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 668-102 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | chaak | | Houston, Stuart and Roberston 1998 | | chaa[h]k | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
chak ha'l |
| Meaning(s): | nc. read rain? / lluvia roja? |
| Thompson Number(s): |
chuluk |
| Meaning(s): | n. lizard / lagarto |
| Thompson Number(s): |
hul- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. arrive (there) / llegar (para) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUL-li | | (2) hu-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 713b/683b/nn-82 | | (2) 740-82 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huul | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #huli | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *hul | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *hul | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
hun | | | (3) |
| Meaning(s): | n. book, paper / libro, papel |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) HUN | | (2) HUN-na | | (3) hu-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 60/522/609b | | (2) 60/522/609b-23 | | (3) 740-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | huun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | hu'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *huu'ng | Brown and Wichmann (2004) | | Proto-Mayan | *hu?ng | Kaufman and Norman (1984) | | Proto-Cholan | *hun | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
-jul- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. throw; shoot with arrow or blowgun pellet, pierce / lancear, tirar con una cerbatana, perforar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) JUL-lu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 653-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -jul- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #-jul- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *jul | Kaufman and Norman (1984) |
Lajun | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Lajun (name of god) / Lajun (nombre de dios) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) LAJUN | | (2) LAJUN-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) X | | (2) X-na |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Laju'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Lajuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Lajun Yax Ha' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Lajun Yax Ha' (name of god) / LAjun Yax Ha' (nombre de dios) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) LAJUN-YAX-HA' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) X-16-566 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Laju'n Yax Ha' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Lajuun Yaax Ha' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
Lakam Tun | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | n. Lakam Tun (toponym in Peten) / Lakam Tun (topónimo de Peten) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) LAKAM-TUN | | (2) LAKAM-TUN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 262-528 | | (2) 262-528 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Lakam Tuun | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | Lakam Tuun | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
le' | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. noose / lazo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) le-e |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 188-542 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | le' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | le' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
lom | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. lance / lanza |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) lo-mu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 580-19 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | loom | | Houaton, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *lom | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
naj | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | adj. full, satisfied, satiated / lleno, satisfecho, harto |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | naj | | Lacadena 2000 |
pasaj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | pa. it is/was opened / lo/la es/fue abierto(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) pa-sa-ja |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 586-630-181 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | pa[h]saj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
pek-? | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. call, order / llamar, ordenar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -pe-ka- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 759-25 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -pek- | | Beliaev and Davletshin n.d. |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *pehk-ä | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
pi | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adj. bright / liso, brillante |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) pi-ja | | (2) pi-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 200-181 | | (2) 200-116 |
-pok- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. wash / lavar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -po-ko- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 687-110 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -pok- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | -pok- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *pok | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
-sus- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. clean, peel off / limpiar, pelar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -su-sa- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 216-630 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -sus- | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | -sus- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *sus | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
uh | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. moon / luna |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) UH |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn |
Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *uh | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
utom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. it will happen / lo pasará |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) u-to-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 513-44-142 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #u[h]to'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | utoom | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |