MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
a | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | syl. syllabic sign / signo sillábico |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228/238/743 |
a- | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | pre. you, your, yours / tu, tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | # a- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *a- | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *aa- | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ab'at | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. servant / sirviente |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (H) AB' -ta |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 548-103 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ab'ta | | Schele and Mathews 1998:179 |
ah- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. conquer / conquistar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-ha- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-(60-1042)- |
Narrow Transcription(s): | # ah- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | # ah- | | Houston, Stuart, and Robertson 1998 |
ahal | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. conquest / conquista |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-ha-li | | (2) AHAL |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-(60-1042)-82 | | (2) nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | # ahaal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | # ahaal | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
ahin | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. crocodile, caiman / cocodrilo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AHIN | | (2) AHIN-na | | (3) a-AHIN-na | | (4) AHIN-ni | | (5) a-hi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 844 | | (2) 844-23 | | (3) 228-844-23 | | (4) 844-116 | | (5) 228-(60-528) |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ahiin, ahin | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | ahiin, ahin | | Houston, Stuart, and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ahin | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *ahiin | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
aj | | | (1) (2) |
| Meaning(s): | ad. derives nouns denoting an agent , he/she who is ... / se deriva sustantivos que denotan agente, el/ella quien ... |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ | | (2) a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12/(122-504) | | (2) 228/743 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | aj | | Stuart 2005 | | aj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *aj- | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *aj- | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
-aj- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. wake up, awake / despertar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -a-ja- | | (2) -a-je- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-181 | | (2) 228-{617+69} |
aj chih | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. drunkard / borracho(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-chi-hi | | (2) AJ-chi | | (3) AJ-chi-ji |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-671-60 | | (2) 12-671 | | (3) 12-671-136 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | aj chih | | Grube 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *chih | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *kiih | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
Aj K'ak' O' Chak | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Aj K'ak' O Chak (God, especially in Yaxchilan) / Aj K'ak' O Chak (Dios, especialmente en Yaxchilan) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-K'AK'-o-CHAK-ki | | (2) AJ-K'AK'-o-cha-ki |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-1035-279-nn-102 | | (2) 12-1035-279-668-102 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | Aj K'ak' O Chaak | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | Aj K'a[h]k' O Chaa[h]k | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
aj k'in | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. priest, diviner / sacerdote, adivinador(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-K'IN | | (2) AJ-K'IN-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-544 | | (2) 12-544-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #aj k'in | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | aj k'in | | Stuart 2005 |
aj k'uhun | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. worshipper / adorador |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-K'UH-na | | (2) AJ-K'UH-HUN-na | | (3) AJ-K'UH-HUN | | (4) a-K'UH-na | | (5) a-K'UH-na | | (6) AJ-K'UH-hu-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-1016-23 | | (2) 12-1016-522-23 | | (3) 12-1016-522 | | (4) 228-1016-23 | | (5) 743-1016-23 | | (6) 12-1016-740b-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | aj k'uhuun | | Zender 2004 | | # aj k'uhu'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
aj pitzil ol | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nc. he of the youthful heart / el con el corazón hermosa |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-pi-tzi-la-OL |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-177-507-178-506 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #aj pitzil o'[h]l | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
aj tz'ib' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. scribe / escribano |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-tz'i-b'i | | (2) a-tz'i-b'i |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-563a-585 | | (2) 228-563a-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | aj tz'i[h]b' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *tz'ihb' | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Mayan | *tz'ihb' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Ch'olan | *aj tz'ihb' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
aj tz'ib'al | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. painter, artist / dibujante, artista |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-tz'i-b'a-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-248-501-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | aj tz'i[h]b'aal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
aj yul | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. polisher? / ¿pulidor(a)? |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-yu-lu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-61-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | # aj yul | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ajal | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. awakening / despertamiento |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-ja-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-181-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ajal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ajaw | | | (1) (2) (5) |
| Meaning(s): | n. lord, king, ruler / señor, rey, gobernante |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJAW | | (2) AJAW-wa | | (3) a-AJAW-wa | | (4) a-AJAW | | (5) a-ja-wa |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 168/(168-518a)/533/747a/1000d | | (2) 168/(168-518a)/533/747a/1000d-130 | | (3) 228-168/(168-518a)/747a/1000d-130 | | (4) 228-1000d | | (5) 228-181-130 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ajaw | | Stuart 2005 | | # ajaaw | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ajaw | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *aajaaw | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ajawil | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. reign,kingship, lordship / reino, señorio |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJAW-li | | (2) a-ja-wa-li |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 168-24 | | (2) 228-181-130-24 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ajawil | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | # ajaawil | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ajawlel | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | nd. reign, kingship, lordship / reino, señorio |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJAW-le-le | | (2) AJAW-le |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 168/747a-88-88 | | (2) 168/(168-518a)/747a/1000d-88 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ajawlel | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | # ajaawlel | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ajch'ama[k] | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. fox / zorro(a) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AJ-ch'a-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 12-93-142 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ajchama[k] | | Mathews and Zender 1999:105 |
ajes | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vid. make awake / se hace despertar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-je-se |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-(617-69)-520 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ajes | | Zender 2005 |
ajmuch | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. toad / sapo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-mu-chi |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-19-671 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a[j]muuch | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *moohch | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Ch'olan | *aj much | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ak | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. turtle / tortuga |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK | | (2) AK-ka | | (3) a-ka |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 743 | | (2) 743-25 | | (3) 228-25 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a[h]k | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *ahq | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Ch'olan | *ahk | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
akan | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. roaring, groan / bramido, gemido |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AKAN | | (2) AKAN-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1042 | | (2) 1042-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a[h]kan | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ahkän | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *ahqan | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
Akan | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. god of visions, enemas, and alcohol (God A') / dios de visiones, enemas y alcohol (Dios A') |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AKAN | | (2) AKAN-na | | (3) AJ-AKAN-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 1042 | | (2) 1042-23 | | (3) 12-1042-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | A[h]kan | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
-akta- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. loose, drop / perder, dejar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)a-ka-ta- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-25-103- |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -akta- | | Stuart 2005 | | #-akta- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
aku'l | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. turtle-place, turtle-like / lugar de tortuga, tortuguero |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK-la | | (2) a-ku | | (3) a-ku-la | | (4) AJ-lu | | (5) a-ku-lu | | (6) a-ku-u-lu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 743-178 | | (2) 228-528 | | (3) 228-528-178 | | (4) 12-568 | | (5) 228-528-568 | | (6) 228-528-1-568 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a[h]ku'ul, a[h]kul | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | a[h]kuul, a[h]kul | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
-ak'- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. give / dar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) -a-k'a- | | (2) -a-AK'- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-669- | | (2) 125-516a- |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -ak'- | | Stuart 2005 | | -a[h]k'- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ähk' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *aq' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ak'ab' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. night, darkness / noche, oscuridad |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK'AB' | | (2) a-k'a-b'a |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 504 | | (2) 228-669-501 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ak'ab' | | Stuart 2005 | | ak'ab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ahk'äb' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *ahq'ab'-*aaq'ab' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
ak'ach | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. turkey hen / pava |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK'ACH | | (2) a-k'a-cha |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #ak'ach | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ak'ach | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *ak' | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
Ak'e | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. Ak'e (Main Sign of Emblem Glyph around Bonampak) / Ak'e (Signo principal del glifo emblema alrededor de Bonampak) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-k'e |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228/229/743-[197+515] |
Narrow Transcription(s): | ak'e | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | ak'e | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ak'nom | | | |
| Meaning(s): | nd. giver / donador |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-AK'-no-ma |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-516-134-74 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | # ak'no'm | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ak'taj | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. dance / bailar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK'-ta-ja | | (2) a-AK'-ta-ja | | (3) AK'-TAJ |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 516-103-181 | | (2) 228-516-103-181 | | (3) 516-nn |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #a[h]k'taj | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
ak'Vt? | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. dance / baile |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AK'-ta | | (2) AK'-ta | | (3) a-AK'-ta | | (4) a-k'a-ta |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 516-113 | | (2) 743-113 | | (3) 228-516-113 | | (4) 228-669-113 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #a[h]k'ut | | Lacadena 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Ch'olan | *ahk-ot | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
-al | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. child of mother / hijo de madre |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)a-AL | | (2) (y)a-AL-la | | (3) (y)a-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-670 | | (2) 125-670-178 | | (3) 125-534 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -al | | Stuart 2005 | | -a[h]l | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *aahl | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Mayan | *aal | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *al | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
-al | | | |
| Meaning(s): | suf. nominalizer / nominalizador |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) [C]a-la |
alay | | | |
| Meaning(s): | adv. hereby, thus / asi |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-LAY-ya | | (2) a-la-LAY-ya | | (3) a-LAY | | (4) a-la-ya |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-nn-125 | | (2) 228-178-nn-125 | | (3) 228-nn | | (4) 228-534-125 |
-am | | | |
| Meaning(s): | suf. participial suffix (alloform of -om) / sufijo participial (alloformo de -om) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) [C]a-ma |
amal | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. toad / sapo |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-ma-la |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-502-178 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | amal | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | #amal | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
an- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vi. run / correr |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-ni |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 743-116 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a[h]n | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *ahn | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Mayan | *ahn | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *ahn | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
an | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. spring maize, young ear of maize / elote |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AN | | (2) a-AN | | (3) a-AN-nu | | (4) a-nu |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) nn | | (2) 228-nn | | (3) 228-nn-265/592 | | (4) 228-254/592 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | a'n | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | aan | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *ajän | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Maya | *ajn | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
at | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. penis / pene |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) AT-ti | | (2) AT-ta |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 761-59 | | (2) 761-93 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | aat (early) at (late) | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 | | aat (early) at (late) | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *aaty | Brown and Wichmann 2004 | | Proto-Mayan | *aaty | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *at | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
atan | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. wife / esposa |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)a-AT-na | | (2) AJ-AT-na | | (3) (y)a-ta-na |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-552-23 | | (2) 12-552-23 | | (3) 125-103-23 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | atan | | Stuart 2005 | | #atan | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
-ati- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. bathe / bañar |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)a-ATI- | | (2) (y)a-ti- |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-nn | | (2) 125-59- |
Narrow Transcription(s): | -ati- | | Stuart 2005 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *at-i-Vn | Kaufmann and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Cholan | *ät | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
atot | | | |
| Meaning(s): | n. house / casa |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)a-ATOT-ti | | (2) (y)a-to-TE' |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-(614-843)-59 | | (2) 125-(44-563b)-87 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | atoot | | Stuart 2005 | | atoot | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Mayan | *atyooty | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
-a'l- | | | |
| Meaning(s): | vt. say / decir |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) (y)a-a-la- | | (2) (y)a-la(-ji-ya) |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 125-228-178 | | (2) 125-534-134-125 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | #-a'l- | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |
| Linguistic Reconstruction: | Proto-Cholan | *äl häl? | Kaufman and Norman 1984 | | Proto-Mayan | *hal | Kaufman and Norman 1984 |
a'nab' | | | (1) |
| Meaning(s): | n. title (without translation) / título (sin traducción) |
| Hieroglyphic Spelling(s): | (1) a-na-b'i | | (2) (y)a-a-na-b'i-(li) |
| Thompson Number(s): | (1) 228-23-585 | | (2) 125-228-23-585-24 |
Narrow Transcription(s): | # anaab' | | Houston, Stuart and Robertson 1998 | | anib' | | Stuart and Houston 2001 | | # anaab' | | Lacadena and Wichmann 2004 |