MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 21 for "R" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
ajawil |
nd. | reign,kingship, lordship / reino, señorio | |
ajawlel |
nd. | reign, kingship, lordship / reino, señorio | |
b'ih |
n. | road / ruta | |
b'ihtun |
nc. | road, prepared surface / ruta, superficie preparada | |
chahuk |
n. | thunder / relampago | |
chak |
adj. | red, great, big / rojo, grande | |
chakal |
adj. | reddish, ruddy / rojizo | |
ch'o |
n. | rat / rata | |
-jel- |
vt. | replace, change / reemplazar, cambiar | |
-joy- |
vt. | encircle / rodear | |
k'al |
n. | enclosure, room, quarters / recinto, cuarto | |
-k'ub'- |
vt. | deliver, give / repartir, entregar | |
matan |
n. | gift, offering / regalo, ofrenda | |
mayij |
n. | gift, offering, tobacco / regalo, ofrenda, tobaco | |
-om |
suf. | resultative of intransitive verbs, future / resultativo de verbos intransitivos, futuro | |
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