MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 17 for "J" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
b'ulay? |
n. | small jaguar / jaguar pequeño | |
chitam |
n. | peccary / javelín | |
hix |
n. | jaguar / jaguar | |
Jakawitzil |
n. | Jakawitzil (toponym near Seibal?) / Jakawitzil (¿topónimo cerca de Seibal?) | |
jasaw chan |
n. | jasaw chan (name of dance-staff) / jasaw chan (nombre de bastón de baile) | |
Jun Ajaw |
n. | Jun Ajaw (name of one of the Classic Period hero twins) / Jun Ajaw (nombre de uno de los Gemelos Heroes del Periodo Clásico) | |
Jun Nal Ye |
n. | Jun Ye Nal (name of god) / Jun Ye Nal (nombre de dios) | |
kaywak |
n. | jade / jade | |
kelem |
n. | young boy / joven | |
nuch |
adv. | joined, together / juntos | |
-nup- |
vt. | to join, marry / juntarse, casarse | |
pitz |
n. | ballgame / juego de pelota | |
pitzaj |
vid. | play ball / jugar a la pelota | |
pitzil |
nd. | ball player / jugador de pelota | |
uhaj |
nd. | necklace / joya | |
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