MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 46 - 60 of 70 for "P" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
Pa'chan |
n. | Pa'chan (Yaxchilan Emblem Glyph) / Pa'chan (glifo emblema de Yaxchilan) | |
pokol |
nd. | bowl for washing / plato para lavarse | |
pop |
n. | mat / petate | |
satay |
mp. | got lost, diminished, died / perderse, destruirse, morirse | |
-tek'- |
vt. | step on / pisar | |
-toj- |
vt. | pay / pagar | |
tojol |
n. | price, payment, tribute / precio, pago, tributo | |
tok' |
n. | flint / pedernal | |
tok' pakal |
nc. | flint-shield / pedernal-escudo | |
tun |
n. | stone / piedra | |
tzuk |
n. | partition, division, segment, province / partición, división, segmento, provincia | |
tzul |
n. | dog / perro | |
-tz'akb'u- |
vtd. | to put into order, succeed / poner en orden, suceder | |
tz'apVl |
nd. | planting / plantación | |
tz'i' |
n. | dog / perro | |
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