MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 31 - 45 of 48 for "J" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
joyaj |
pa. | he/she/it is/was encircled / el/ella/lo es/fue rodeado(a) | |
joyel |
nd. | encirclement / envolvimiento | |
ju |
syl. | syllabic sign / signo sillábico | |
jub' |
n. | conch, conch trumpet / caracol, trompeta del caracol | |
jub'ul |
nd. | descent / decendimiento | |
jub'uy |
vi. | falls / derrumbarse | |
juch |
n. | conch shell / concha | |
jukub' |
n. | canoe / canoa | |
-jul- |
vt. | throw; shoot with arrow or blowgun pellet, pierce / lancear, tirar con una cerbatana, perforar | |
jul |
n. | perforator, dart, spear, lance / perforador, dardo, lanza | |
jul b'ak |
nc. | perforator bone / perforador de hueso | |
jun |
num. | one / uno, una | |
Jun Ajaw |
n. | Jun Ajaw (name of one of the Classic Period hero twins) / Jun Ajaw (nombre de uno de los Gemelos Heroes del Periodo Clásico) | |
Jun Jun Ajaw |
n. | Jun Jun Ajaw (name of god) | |
Jun Nal Ye |
n. | Jun Ye Nal (name of god) / Jun Ye Nal (nombre de dios) | |
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