Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

Results 31 - 45 of 70 for "P"
Click on a word below to view details.

k'an adj.precious, ripe  /  precioso, maduro  
K'anjalawb'u? n.1st Classic Maya Month  /  primero mes del periodo Clásico
lak n.plate  /  plato  
-mak- vt.promise, betrothe  /  prometer en matrimonio, desposarse
mukuy n.dove, pigeon  /  paloma, pichón  
nah num.first  /  primero  
num- vi.pass  /  pasar
ok n.foot  /  pie  
ok? n.dog  /  perro
okib' nd.pedestal  /  pedestal
pach n.skin  /  piel
pakb'u vtd.to put face down  /  poner boca abajo
-pak'- vt.plant, form (from clay), mold, hoist  /  plantar, sembrar, formar  
pasil nd.door, opening  /  puerta, abertura  
pa' n.wall, mural, fortress  /  pared, muralla, fortaleza  

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