MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 16 - 30 of 47 for "P" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
jul b'ak |
nc. | perforator bone / perforador de hueso | |
-jus- |
vt. | plaster over / emplastar | |
-kob'- |
vt. | procreate / procrear | |
koj |
n. | puma / puma | |
k'an |
adj. | precious, ripe / precioso, maduro | |
-l- |
suf. | positional suffix / sufijo posicional | |
lak |
n. | plate / plato | |
-mak- |
vt. | promise, betrothe / prometer en matrimonio, desposarse | |
mam |
n. | possum / zarigüeya | |
-nal |
n. | place | |
nuchjol |
vt. | put heads together, speak together / conversar | |
num- |
vi. | pass / pasar | |
okib' |
nd. | pedestal / pedestal | |
-ol |
suf. | possessive suffix | |
otoy |
adj. | poisonous / venenoso | |
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