MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 16 - 30 of 49 for "B" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
ch'ah |
adj. | bitter / agrio | |
el- |
vt. | burn / arder | |
halab'? |
n. | ballcourt / cancha de juego de pelota | |
halaw? |
n. | ballcourt / cancha de juego de pelota | |
hun |
n. | book, paper / libro, papel | |
ichkil |
vi. | bathe [codices] / baƱarse | |
ik' |
adj. | black / negro | |
juntan |
nc. | beloved, cherished one, loved one / apreciado, querido | |
kab' |
n. | bee / abeja | |
kuch |
n. | burden, load / carga, peso | |
-k'al- |
vt. | bind, wrap, tie on / atar, envolver | |
-k'as- |
vt. | break / quebrar, partir en dos | |
lakam |
adj. | big, great, wide / grande, ancho | |
ma [u]tzil |
adj. | bad / malo(a) | |
mab' |
n. | box, cache / caja, escondite | |
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