MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 1 - 15 of 70 for "P" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
-akta- |
vt. | loose, drop / perder, dejar | |
ak'ach |
n. | turkey hen / pava | |
at |
n. | penis / pene | |
b'ah ajaw |
nc. | head lord, first lord / primer señor, señor principal | |
b'ah che'b' |
nc. | first painter/brusher / pintor principal | |
b'ah sajal |
nc. | first sajal / primer sajal | |
b'ahtz'am |
nc. | clown / payazo | |
chak b'alam |
n. | puma / puma | |
chay |
n. | fish / pescado | |
cha'b'ij |
adv. | day after tomorrow / pasado manana, por segunda vez | |
che'b' |
n. | quill, (paint) brush / pluma, cepillo | |
chich |
n. | word, prophecy, reason / papabra, profecía, razón | |
chih |
n. | pulque / pulque | |
chilam |
n. | spokesman / portavoz | |
chit |
n. | father, patron / padre, patrón | |
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