MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró Drawings by John Montgomery |
Results 31 - 45 of 49 for "B" |
Click on a word below to view details. |
-muk- |
vt. | bury / enterrar | |
mut |
n. | bird / ave | |
pak- |
vp. | be face down / ser boca abajo | |
pat |
n. | back, shoulders, skin / espalda, espaldas, piel | |
pi |
adj. | bright / liso, brillante | |
pitz |
adj. | beautiful / hermoso(a) | |
pitz |
n. | ballgame / juego de pelota | |
pitzil |
nd. | ball player / jugador de pelota | |
pokol |
nd. | bowl for washing / plato para lavarse | |
pulu |
vid. | burn (him/her/it)! / que se quema (el/ella/lo)! | |
putz' b'ak |
nc. | bone needle (for sewing) / aguja de hueso | |
puw |
n. | blowgun / cerbatana | |
sas |
adj. | brilliant, resplendent / brillante, brillo | |
siyaj |
vi. | be born / nacer | |
sutz' |
n. | bat / murciƩlago | |
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