Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 ©Justin Kerr - Click to view high resolution MAYA HIEROGLYPH DICTIONARY
Peter Mathews and Péter Bíró
Drawings by John Montgomery

Results 16 - 30 of 126 for "H"
Click on a word below to view details.

chumlajiy vp.he/she was already seated  /  el/ella ya fue senatdo(a)    
chumwan vp.he/she was seated  /  el/ella fue sentado(a)
chumwaniy vp.he/she was already seated  /  el/ella ya fue sentado(a)  
-ch'om- vt.hit, pierce  /  golpear, perforar
elnah nc.house-burning  /  el quemar de casa
hamliy vp.he/she lied down  /  el/ella acosto
ha'i pr.he, she  /  el, ella
hek vp.hang up, be stuck, insert  /  colgar, trabarse, insertar
hekwan vp.he/she inserts/inserted  /  el/ella colga/colgó
hekwaniy vp.he/she already inserted  /  el/ella ya colgó
hetz'wan vp.he/she sets/set down  /  el/ella deposita/depositó
Huk Chapat Tz'ikin K'inich Ajaw n.Huk Chapat Tz'ikin? K'inich Ajaw (name of war serpent)  /  Huk Chapat Tz'ikin K'inich Ajaw (nombre de la serpiente de guerra)
Huk Sip n.Huk Sip (Seven Sins-name of god)  /  Huk Sip (Siete Delitos-nombe de dios)
huley vi.he/she arrived  /  el/ella llegó
ichiy n.hawk, heron  /  halcón, gavilán

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