
Link to enlarge vase K7784 &#copy; Justin Kerr Charles Zidar

Family:  Solanaceae
Genus:  Datura
Species:  inoxia
Authority:  (Pers.) Saff.
Common Name:  angel’s trumpet
Maya Name:  toloache
Depictions:  Jade ear flares
Maya Plant Use:  Medicine, poison, ritual Added to balche Brugmansia and Datura are genera used for rheumatic ills with Datura being a holy medicine. Chemicals present include atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. The roots, seeds, and leaves are used, added to maize for a drink called Tesquino. A tea is made from the juice of the branches of another family member, Solandra brevicalyx. (See Plants of the Gods, Shultes and Hofmann 1992)
Botanical Significance:  Members of the Solanaceae family are known hallucinogens. It is not surprising to see this plant represented on ancient Maya art.
Ritual Significance:  This plant was most likely used as a hallucinogen during important Maya ceremonies.
Notes:  D. stramonium L.
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