
Link to enlarge vase K7784 &#copy; Justin Kerr Charles Zidar

Family:  Burseraceae
Genus:  Protium
Species:  copal
Authority:  (Schltdl. & Cham.) Engl.
Common Name:  copal
Maya Name:  pom, poom or pomte
Depictions:  Unknown
Maya Plant Use:  Resin, ritual use, medicine, poison, products and ornamental uses.
Botanical Significance:  Given the fact that copal (resin) was extracted from these trees and widely used by the ancient Maya for a wide array of ceremonies, it is not surprising that the plant may have been depicted on Maya art.
Ritual Significance:  Given the wide use of copal in a great number of ancient Maya ceremonies it is surprising that one does not see it represented more in Maya art.
Notes:  Photo: www.nybg.org
Photos:  Click on an image below for high resolution comparison.

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