
Link to enlarge vase K7784 &#copy; Justin Kerr Charles Zidar

Family:  Agaricaceae (Strophariaceae)
Genus:  Psilocybe
Species:  aztecorum
Common Name:  mushroom
Depictions:  Ceramic vessel
Maya Plant Use:  Certain species of mushrooms such as Psilocybe sp. were used as hallucinogens for the ancient Maya in preparation for warfare and rituals. This mushroom can be seen represented on a cacao pot. This mushroom can also be seen in a representation on page 144 in the Plants of the Gods by Schultes and Hofmann (1992). Added to balche
Ritual Significance:  Mushrooms of various species may have been used by the Maya to invoke trance states and extreme hallucinations. This may have been necessary for bloodletting rituals, warfare preparation and communication with gods or ancestors.
Photos:  Click on an image below for high resolution comparison.

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